An educational blog about being a band director and being a mom.
Just running through life one note at a time.
Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm just your local high school band director out here in Northern California. I've been a band director for 10 years and I've been in education for 19 years and counting. I've taught in three different districts, five different schools and had an alternative route to being a band director.
I knew I wanted to be a teacher by the time I was in 4th grade. I wanted to be a band director some time in the middle of high school, but I didn't want to "be poor", so I did what a lot of elder millennials did: I declared a business major. (Note: My parents were concerned about me becoming a music or theater major. So my business major was in Marketing with a goal to become a music or theater marketer.) Fast forward three semesters, and I was getting Cs and Ds in my business classes and As in my English classes. So, I switched to English.
In that time, I also added a Creative Arts major and a minor in music. I ended up graduating with a double major in Creative Arts and English and a minor in music, although, officially, I was 3 units short of a triple major. I entered my credential program. California is weird about not integrating the credential into your undergrad or a Master's degree.
My educational journey can be a post for later. I'm the sole music teacher at my school. I currently teach AP Music Theory, Guitar, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, and Percussion Ensemble which is in the same class as Wind Ensemble for numbers purposes.
Last year, my oldest child graduated from high school after spending four years in my music program. While he wasn't sure how that was going to go, we both survived! I know a lot of music people end up having their parents as their teacher, but I see far fewer children having their mom as their director. So, lady band directors, if you happen to read this, you're amazing! When I went to the Midwest Clinic in 2019, the Trailblazers sessions said that we're only 20% of the band directors in the country. So, if you're feeling like an island sometimes, I'm offering a metaphorical life-saver! The closest lady band directors in my area teach at least 14 miles away from me and there are no others in my district.
Be Unapologetically You.
Come with me on a journey through frugal band directing and parenting.
Why a tiara? To make a statement, of course! I'm not the band mom or the color guard instructor, or the band director's wife. I am the queen of my program. So, be like a pineapple: Stand Tall, Wear a Crown, and Be Sweet.